Pilates Zone distinguishes itself by its adhesion to the classical systematic and supplementary approach towards the Pilates method, through which it is much easier for the client to make progress. The classical method focuses on making the center of the body strong and stable, then to make the peripheral areas of the body work with the help of unique equipments that have the purpose of developing fitness in all its aspects: strength, flexibility, coordination and resistance.
It promotes reinforcement stretching and tone up of the big muscles with contemporary effects and action on the inner smaller muscles, the ones that are closer to the skeleton and that have the function to maintain
a right posture and to reach a harmonious vertebral column alignment. The classical Pilates method is not only a sequence of 600 exercises, but it is also a life philosophy. The body frees itself from chronic weaknesses and incorrect postures, life dynamism reactivates, the mind strengthens and the soul elevates itself.
Joseph Pilates defined fitness as: “Obtaining and maintaining a developed body in a uniformed way, together with a healthy mind that is capable to carry out all the various duties of the everyday life with enthusiasm, satisfaction and in a natural way”.
Unlike the other fitness methods, Classical Pilates is appropriate for everybody, independently from body form age and sex and it can be used in all its potentialities, whether to improve the athletic performance
or to rehabilitate from several pathologies. This is its real magic.
The studio proposes three types of lessons, each one lasts 55 minutes of shifting between floor exercises and the use of sports equipment: